about lsa
les sublimes archive is a work in progress.
les sublimes archive is a digital archive and handles analogue notebooks.
the authors of notebooks retain the copyright to all images/content in this archive.
any requests will be forwarded to the respective authors.
les sublimes archive is a project conceived by the Arthur Cravan Foundation and Cose Cosmiche.

contact: archive@lessublimes.org


“Sublime is that which the soul cannot avoid” (1)
“It is not labor that gives us culture, but leisure and idleness.” Alexandre Koyré (2)

‘Les Sublimes Archive’, inspired by the Parisian utopia at the end of the 19th century and the group Les Sublimes(3, is a digital archive in progress that began in 2015. It is devoted to the most pure (or impure), primary and unproductive part of creation and the generation of ideas.
An archive of notebooks containing notes and jottings by artists, philosophers, scientists and researchers from various disciplines. The aim is to make available for consultation the most personal material associated with the creative process, which is rarely accessible and displayed. These are highly contagious, poetic, ‘bare’ ideas, that are not yet ‘work(ing)’.
They can be of any form or origin, but before they are digitized and added to the online archive they are be able to be consulted during special ‘events’ and exhibitions.

May 2019 - Les Sublimes Archive - Revolution @ Suomi – Helsinki

4-6 November 2016 – Les Sublimes Archive @ Nesxt – Torino

February 2015 – Les Sublimes @ Arthur Cravan Foundation –Milan

1) Taken freely from Edmund Burke
2) Alexandre Koyré (Dal mondo del pressappoco all’universo della precisione, Einaudi, 2000) cited by Rossella Moratto in “La libertà dell’ozio”, Undo.net, 2015
3) The “sublimes” were railing against growth and overdevelopment long before the term was coined. Denounced by the Establishment as immoral, these working-class men and women – who put play before work and squirmed relentlessly free of the disciplined factory life – were guilty of no more than espousing the popular view of the age.¹
¹ Serge Latouche, Ellul contro il totalismo tecnico, Jaca Book, 2014

Les sublimes archive was created, conceived and coded by Luca Lampo
Graphics by Domenico Antonio Mancini
Powered by eibit

Scans and post production 2015-2018: Helga Franza, Silvia Hell, William Recchia, Camilla Umbaca.
Scans and post production 2019: Helga Franza, Silvia Hell, Magda Placek, Rosanna Principe.